BCPH Stacked Whitebckgrd 04

Decolonising FGM/C Advocacy: Respecting Local Expertise By Dr. Hannah Nazri

Great Expectations: Should Doctors Become “Everything”? By Dr. Hannah Nazri

The following is an excerpt chapter from Dr. Ryan Montoya’s upcoming graphic novel “Precipitated Withdrawal”. In this chapter, Dr. Montoya delves into the mechanisms of informed consent, and discusses how often physicians and patients miss that mark.

Embracing My Neurodiverse Journey: Navigating Interactions, Challenging Stereotypes, and Cultivating

My CSW67 Experience By Dr. Hannah Nazri My CSW67 Experience

Intimate Violence, Part II: When “Self-Defense” is Camouflage for Homicide

The following is an excerpt chapter from Dr. Ryan Montoya’s upcoming graphic novel “Precipitated Withdrawal,” where Dr. Montoya discusses how prison creates a perfect medical bubble that is both a gift and a curse to the patients

The following is an excerpt chapter from Dr. Ryan Montoya’s forthcoming graphic novel, “Precipitated Withdrawal.” In it, Dr. Montoya discusses the structure of a visit between the patient and a new doctor, and all the ways this structure gets interrupted. 

The following is an excerpt chapter from the upcoming Graphic Novel “Precipitated Withdrawal: A Treatise on American Primary Care,” by Dr. Ryan Montoya. In it, Dr. Montoya discusses the pitfalls and promise of electronic health records.

I’ve heard people say the story of our lives is best told in the snapshot of those who show up for our funeral. Final services for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the South are often layered with stigma and controversy. Due to grief (and sometimes denial), families often eulogize the person in a way that is more reflective of who they wish the person was (rather than who they actually were at the time of their passing).

Maddesyn George, Intimate Violence, and the Limits of Armed Self-Defense

In the mid 2000s, Loomy juice was an increasingly popular natural drink, rumored to contain ingredients with organic healing qualities. Sam seemed to drink multiple bottles a week, combining every swallow with his incredible faith. I would later come to find out why he felt he needed both to survive.

Caring Connections Podcast with HPHR Fellow Cordella Lyon By Cordella

HIV 40 Years Later: Interview with Helen Turner By Cordella

Interview With Dr. Rosanna Barrett: Disaggregating Data, Making Everyone Count

Life By Proxy: Interview with Greg Schwartz By Cordella Lyon,

Ted Winn, a gospel artist who grew up in Black churches, has known between 40 and 50 people who lost their lives to HIV/AIDS. He says, “I choose to not allow them to be ‘othered’ or described as deviants, but people who were seeking love, relationship, affirmation, and happiness.”

The denial of HIV’s early impact was so severe in some African American faith communities that ‘church cancer’ became the colloquial term used when explaining the cause of death for the formerly embraced, now stigmatized (and socially-abandoned) gay men who passed away from AIDS complications.

Interview with Shalen De Silva, Founder, Vincere Health By Jayson

Interview with Shane Gray, Founder, United UVC Inc. By Jayson

Interview with Kristy Drutman, Founder, Brown Girl Green By Jayson

Dr. Caroline Light unpacks the 2020 "gun surge" with Deborah Azrael and Matt Miller

The denial of HIV’s early impact was so severe in some African American faith communities that ‘church cancer’ became the colloquial term used when explaining the cause of death for the formerly embraced, now stigmatized (and socially-abandoned) gay men who passed away from AIDS complications.

Dr. Caroline Light continues her conversation with Dr. Celine Gounder, epidemiologist, infectious disease specialist, and member of the Biden-Harris Transition COVID-19 Advisory Board.

In this second piece together, Sofia and Nick stress the urgency of fighting for health equity for Canada's Indigenous populations – now.

Here, Sofia Weiss Goitiandia talks to activist Nick Bauer about the injustices committed against Indigenous peoples in Canada, which do not always receive the attention they deserve.

This vlog discusses the importance of integrating the dental and medical fields when approaching cancer treatment plans.

In this blog, Naina Qayyum, reflects on insights from her conversation with parents on child feeding experiences and challenges. It is part 2 of 2 in the series 'Those Who Feed Us'.

In this piece Naina Qayyum, shares her experience of interacting with parents to learn about their child feeding practices. Part 1 is a vlog.

Dr. Ryan Montoya discusses Tuskegee - then and now

Dr. Caroline Light gleans powerful insights on health equity in her conversation with Dr. Celine Gounder, epidemiologist, infectious disease specialist, and member of the Biden-Harris Transition COVID-19 Advisory Board.

The past few months have underscored the importance of staying curious in all my endeavors.

An overview of the main socio-political determinants of health, based on Sumood's coverage of various health areas from conflict settings in the Arab region

How do migrants with disabilities access healthcare services in Lebanon? what are the main barriers and possible solutions?

"I think it’s really important that you’re involving people and asking the right questions, which isn’t just: “What’s going on,” but “Why is it going on?”"

"With COVID, there has been an understanding of the importance of public health and what’s going on. There’s been an energizing advocacy of people demanding change."

These are just a few of my thought-provoking favorites from the past year detailing public health, life in the South, and people working to make positive change in the region.

Today, CHCs are responsible for serving as the primary source of care for over 28 million patients in over 13,000 communities all across the nation. Yet these widespread facilities originated in the Mississippi Delta as an innovative solution to the health disparities plaguing the region.

"There’s a lot more diversity in these places than I think people from the outside understand."

"Exploring those issues and how people have responded and what actions and strategies they’ve taken can be very illuminating, not just for the Delta, but for the country as a whole."

An overview of the situation of Bedouins in Palestine, and how political determinants play a crucial role in determining their access to healthcare.

In this post, Gabriel described how strong political will is important for the actualization of Universal Health Coverage

In this blog, Naina Qayyum, advocates for the need to make nutrition policies adolescent-friendly.

In this blog, Naina Qayyum, draws the connection between our food systems and women's health.

Unboxed By Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, FRSPH, AFCHSM, CHM, CPH

In this blog, Naina Qayyum, highlights how food marketing encourages unhealthy food consumption.

A conversation with Milena Ansari, the International Advocacy Officer at Addameer Association, discussing the issue of medical negligence towards Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons.

Screen the Lungs! By Brian Shim Smoking, Stigma, and Screening

Mr. Dara Ajala-Damisa is the Program Manager at Nigeria Health Watch, a health communication and advocacy organization based in Nigeria. Nigeria Health Watch uses evidence-based advocacy and communication to influence health policy and improve health care access in Nigeria. Nigeria Health Watch, through its numerous venues, delivers knowledgeable commentary and in-depth analysis of health issues in Nigeria, always with integrity. Their reach is greater than ever and their voice is recognized as a powerful champion for improving people’s health across the sector.

In this blog, Naina Qayyum, tried to draw the link between climate change, food systems, and their impact on human health.

Mr. Chibuike Alagboso is a health journalist with the Nigeria Health Watch, a health communication and advocacy organization based in Nigeria. Nigeria Health Watch uses evidence-based advocacy and communication to influence health policy and improve health care access in Nigeria. Nigeria Health Watch, through its numerous venues, delivers knowledgeable commentary and in-depth analysis of health issues.

A conversation with Dr Akihiro Seita, the director of health at UNRWA, discussing the situation of Palestinian refugees in Jordan amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this game of gonads, who decided that a testicle is worth more than an ovary?

To deputise a complete stranger to interfere with a woman’s health choice is constitutionally, medically, morally and ethically wrong. That's the end of my sentence.

On today's episode of the ‘‘Without Health we have nothing’’ series with HPHR Fellow Gabriel Oke, Gabriel discusssed how emergency medicine can be improved for better health delivery.

Screen the Lungs! By Brian Shim Patient Navigation – Drawing

Screen the Lungs! By Brian Shim Making the Decision to

A story of a Gender-based Violence (GBV) survivor from Palestine, how she was supported, and was able to shift her life path

Cervical cancer can be prevented. When detected early it can be treated and cured with surgery. As we mark the one year anniversary of the "Cervical Cancer Elimination Day of Action", I reflect on the role of surgical systems in eliminating cervical cancer.

The Practice of Medicine — Hazy or Invisible Lines Dr.

Dr. Caroline Light continues her discussion about gun violence and the pandemic with journalist Abené Clayton in Part 2 of this 2-part series.

Dr. Caroline Light discusses homicide surge in the San Francisco Bay area during the pandemic with journalist Abené Clayton. This is Part 1 of a 2-part series.

A conversation with Diana Rayes, a PhD student in international health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg of Public Health, to discuss mental health of health workers in Syria.

On today's episode of the ‘‘Without Health we have nothing’’ series with HPHR Fellow Gabriel Oke, Dr Laz Ude Eze the Founder of TalkHealthNaija describes the contributions of digital startups to healthcare in Nigeria. He also describes what can be done differently in the digital space to improve healthcare in the country.

“Imagine working in an office where you know that everyone who comes through the doors is gonna die. I remember telling one of my clients who was dying that I didn’t know if I could continue doing the work anymore, because I wasn't making a difference and I couldn't keep watching people die. He told me I had an obligation to help everyone I saw, even if I only saved one life in all the time I worked in HIV/AIDS. That was over 30 years ago." - Earl Fowlkes

In this final instalment of Sofia and Dalia’s interview, Dalia synthesises her experiences as an activist in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health, and shares her views on what 'Decolonising Global Health' means in practice.

Dr. Quinn discusses the significance of respecting individuals' right to self-define/value in advancing black feminism in public health

In this blog post, Naina Qayyum reflects on food safety challenges and why it is time it takes a front seat in the food and public health discourse.

Dr. Quinn discusses the significance of respecting individuals' right to self-define/value in advancing black feminism in public health

Do Not Underestimate the Healing Power of Change By Dr.

Racism Is a Disease By Payton Kim Racism Is a

Black Lives Matter Protest in Portland, OR, USA By Tsechu

A Tibetan-American Family Dealing with COVID-19 in Queens, NY By

Shifting the Narrative…Subtly Interview by Dr. Yulin Hswen, University of

On today's episode of the ‘‘Without Health we have nothing’’ series with HPHR Fellow Gabriel Oke, Dr Ifeanyi Nsofor the CEO of EpiAfric describes the state of primary health care in Nigeria. He also describes the functions of the Primary Healthcare system and gave recommendations on what can be done differently to improve primary healthcare in the country.

Adolescents make up 16% of the population and straddle the sometimes uncomfortable gap between childhood and adulthood. Seeking out information on the internet makes sense but at what cost?

Unboxed By Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, FRSPH, AFCHSM, CHM, CPH

In the second installment of this article series, Sofia and Dalia discuss Female Genital Mutilation and Dalia’s activism towards ending it in her home country of Sudan. Please be aware that these sensitive topics may be distressing for some readers.

Randevyn Pierre has collected and shared the experiences of a number of African Americans around healthcare hesitancy and medical mistrust. In this piece, he exposes his own thoughts and experiences in navigating his journey through the healthcare landscape. Pierre also infuses key learnings from his public health knowledge as well as other accounts from interviewees.

Periods don't have to cost us education, equity and the environment

Unboxed By Yves Miel H. Zuñiga, FRSPH, AFCHSM, CHM, CPH

We had no say in the decision of when, how, where and to whom we were born. Yet this was one of the most important decisions in our lives, which continues to impact us today.

Without Health We Have Nothing 1 By Gabriel Oke How

What’s it like to be a child living in the world’s biggest open-air prison? And how would it affect your mental health?

Dr. Caroline Light introduces "In the Crosshairs" her incisive blog series exploring the intersections of race, gender, and firearm violence.

Public health encompasses more than statistics; it is the lived experiences of individuals, families, and communities.

Screen the Lungs! By Brian Shim Introduction to Lung Cancer,

The life expectancy and mortality rates of certain states are so disparate that it raises many questions, the most important being – why are some states healthier than others?

Gabriel Oke in this blog discussed how COVID19 forcefully reduced medical tourism and made gaps in our healthcare system even more glaring and also lessons for epidemic preparedness and strengthening of Nigeria health system.

In her first blog, Naina Qayyum, makes the case for why public health and food systems need to break silos and work together to achieve better population health outcomes.

Screen the Lungs​ By Brian Shim Screen the Lungs At

Dr. Ryan Montoya sheds light on providing abortion consultations via telehealth during the pandemic.

How does wildfire smoke impact our health, and how can we reduce this harm?

Sleep and Mental Health in Students By James Davis Sleep

Former President Barack Obama is famously quoted as saying, “we have more in common than we have things that divide us.” This philosophy may or may not have moved the needle on this country’s politics around human decency, but perhaps it offers us a start to reducing healthcare hesitancy in exam rooms all over the United States.

During Angela Braden's battle to preserve her sight, the medical mistrust of her support system took an unexpected turn as her Black family immediately questioned the qualifications and competence of a Black physician. Soon thereafter, they were confronted with their worse fears.

How can we provide the best care for our children if the process is so complex, and sometimes absurd?

Housing is Health. Health Equity is Health Literacy. What can we do to make systems better so people can use them and improve their health?

Jackie Leung discusses the importance of community health workers in public health.

As the world’s fourth most populated country with a population that exceeds 270 million, Indonesia has reported over 2.7 million COVID-19 infections. Recent surges have exposed the vulnerability of the Indonesian healthcare system, overwhelming overburdened medical facilities. Will Indonesia become the next global epicenter for the virus, replacing India and Brazil?

The blog discusses WHO's MPOWER strategy and how it can be applied to promote a Healthy Food Environment.

The blog discusses the need for knowledge translation to promote an evidence based agenda for India's nutrition policy and action agenda.

Dr. Hannah Nazri recommends three books to understand how politics and economic climate, and culture can impact a patient's journey in accessing healthcare especially if they are women.

Dr. Hannah Nazri tells us why she is passionate about combining activism into her clinical work and research interests, the nature of science and how medicine cannot work in silo.

Zaitoon By Dr. Butool Hisam A tale of two centuries

Disability it is one of those topics that fall within the intersection of health and social sciences. How the disability community is structured, supported, and even developed depends holistically on the delicate balance of medical intervention and societal inclusion.

In this blog post, Marina Magalhães, a PhD student at the University of Florida addresses some important questions about lactation and breastfeeding

Sofia Weiss Goitiandia spoke for hours with Global Health scholar and activist Dalia Elhag. In this first article based on their conversation, Dalia talks about the roots of her committed feminism, which is at the heart of her activist work.

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj Workplace Equity in Long-Term

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Rise of Racist Machines Machine

At the intersection of health justice lies the answer of equity. Equity burdens us all with the task of foreseeable change. Equity is focused less on the performative act and concentrates more on application.

Jackie Leung discusses the importance of community health workers in public health.

Jackie Leung discusses the importance of community health workers in public health.

The blog discusses the need for knowledge translation to promote an evidence based agenda for India's nutrition policy and action agenda.

Zaitoon By Dr. Butool Hisam Matter over Words: A Conversation

"We are not afraid to die because we have already lost our future. We are sick physically and mentally." The denial of basic rights, the uncertainty of resettlement to third countries, strict deterrence policies, and the global COVID-19 pandemic have further exacerbated pre-existing mental-health conditions among refugees.

In this blog, science communication is discussed in the context of vaccine hesitancy, particularly with regards to COVID-19 vaccines. Possible strategies to address this challenge are explored, whilst leaving room for nuance.

In this blog post, Bibi discusses the important role that breastfeeding plays in improving public health and barriers to breastfeeding

Challenges in the climate change mitigation space: emissions "leakage", pollutant shifts, and balancing economic and equity concerns

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj Gender Equality and Water:

HPHR Fellow, Dr. Heather Tillewein, does an in-depth interview with conversion therapy survivor, Clare Killman. This interview looks into Clare's family background and the extent her family took to prevent Clare from living as a Transgender Female. Clare Killman discusses what it was like during conversion therapy and the lasting impact this form of therapy has had on her life.

This vlog discusses the dental therapy profession and Nikita's journey!

Defined by the American Psychological Association as a “form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort,” bullying is a widespread social problem and represents an overlooked area of public health. Social media and access to internet-connecting devices undoubtedly expose children to cyberbullying and cyber harm. What are steps we can take to address this global public health problem?

Dr. Tillewein discusses the barriers that transgender individuals face when trying to access health care. Transgender individuals face several barriers with insurance, medical providers, and and accessing gender based services. Also, this blog will discuss the lack of education on transgender health that providers have.

Elizana-Marie Joseph discusses the history and importance of BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month.

The blog discusses the public health and economic implications of drinking sugar sweetened beverages, and how Mexico successfully implemented a soda tax regime, thus setting a policy example for the rest of the world battling with non-communicable diseases.

Dr. Ankit Raj discusses the need for a case for serious reforms to regain the health of Bihar.

Dr. Ankit Raj discusses Economic and Political issues affecting the State of Health in Bihar

In this installment from her Thriving Beyond COVID Series, Bibi Chaterpateah shares the pregnancy experience of Tangila A., who lives with endometriosis and PCOS

Discussing the "co-benefits" of decarbonization for health and climate change mitigation

Zaitoon By Dr. Butool Hisam Public Health and the Pulpit

Rahseer Dopson interviews Daniel E. Dawes, JD of Moorhouse about health equity and health reform.

True Curriculum By Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 3: American Education-

True Curriculum By Rebecca Elliott, MPH Lesson 4: So if

"...we need to decriminalize sex work and get people away from the idea that by arresting people it’s going to solve the problem. It’s not, ever. It never has and never will."

"...harm reduction is talking to people, finding out their needs, treating them with respect and dignity and fighting like hell for them against whoever’s trying to bring them down."

"...Our members do not feel safe talking to the police if they were raped, and with good reason. A couple of them told us that when they approached a police officer, their usual response was, 'Well what do you expect? Look who you are, look where you are. And besides, prostitutes can’t get raped.'"

This vlog discusses the critical need for more dental professionals in rural areas.

Listen to the radio show-style break down of our conversation around Black health and its historically relevant trust-related barriers over coffee.

During Angela Braden's battle to preserve her sight, the medical mistrust of her support system took an unexpected turn as her Black family immediately questioned the qualifications and competence of a Black physician. Soon thereafter, they were confronted with their worse fears.

To eliminate present-day inequities, we have to first acknowledge the decision-making power behind our healthcare system.

This vlog introduces the link between drug abuse and one's mouth.

Exploring interactions between climate change-related health risks and discussing the global health burden from fossil fuel combustion

The Big Catfish​ By Jessica Q. Honig, LCSW, EdM The

Jackie Leung discusses the importance of community health workers in public health.

Jackie Leung discusses the importance of community health workers in public health.

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Addressing Climate Emergency and its

This vlog features dental and medical students with ranges of experiences about their thoughts on the dental-medical divide thus far and their perspectives on integrating dental and medical schools.

Do artificial intelligence engineers instill their own racial and gender biases? If so, how do these biases impact the lives of gender minority groups?

In this podcast, Sofia Weiss Goitiandia interviews the wonderful Dr. Nick about his work as a Medical Doctor and Co-Founder of OneDay Health in Northern Uganda.

Dr. Hannah Nazri talks to Jessica Pin, an activist with the goal of comprehensive and equitable coverage of the clitoral anatomy in Obstetrics & Gynaecology (ObGyn) textbooks.

Zaitoon By Dr. Butool Hisam The ones I wish to

Jackie Leung discusses the importance of community health workers in public health.

In this blog post, Sofia Weiss Goitiandia writes about the centrality of narratives and storytelling in medicine. Long story short: in healthcare, the words we use matter.

A Luminary Mentor By June Samuel Dr. Robert X. Williams:

Frame a Moment for Healing By Jessica Q. Honig, LCSW,

The most personal blog post yet, as Sofia Weiss Goitiandia reflects on her own experiences to propose interdisciplinarity as a means of finding purpose and meaning in medicine.

Health with Humanity By Joanna Burke-Bajaj Moving from Health-Related Deservingness

Zaitoon By Dr. Butool Hisam Breaking the Ice: A Glance

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